Monday, February 10, 2014

Hello, Monday.

I'm trying harder to like Mondays, but it's not happening.  Around here, our weeks are centered around daddy's work schedule.  Griff is on top of it.  He knows dad is home on the weekend and he knows Friday is the start of all the fun.  Sunday night is usually rough, as he knows Chad will likely be gone before we all wake up.  Lately the little turkey has been making his way to our bed in the middle of the night.  He wants to hang out with dad.  and, we let him.  Because, he's 2 and our time together is just too short.  Monday usually consists of many tantrums, time outs and plenty of tears as we adjust back to the week day schedule.  The boys are on opposite nap schedules right now and so leaving the house for any period of time is difficult.  Someone is always cranky.

I love taking photos of my boys.  I love that I have the time to be with them and play with them everyday.  I love when Griff says "mama, mama come with me" and pulls me by the hand.  I love when Avey climbs in his red car, beeps the horn and looks at me with a huge proud smile.  He doesn't walk yet at 14 months, but he climbs in and out of that car like nobody's business. They grow up so darn fast.  Here is what our apartment looks like on a typical weekday- a mess, a beautiful mess.  There are toys everywhere and as much as I try to contain the clutter, our living room is more like a wreck room.  It's a real home and I'm so grateful for it.

love, us.

1 comment:

  1. So coot. Sure love those boys. I'm understanding the love for daddy with Mr B Flynn. Mornings are rough I tell you.


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