Wednesday, December 17, 2014


Griff: you carry on full conversations now and jump from one random idea to the next.  sometimes we just have to laugh because we have no idea where you come up with some of these phrases.  you've started to really take care of your brother saying things like, "shhhh, it's ok bud, you'll be ok".  You're still daddy's boy and we get along much better when he's around.  You've been fascinated with babies lately and have been asking for a baby in our family, to which I answer, "go ask your dad".  You love to ask questions about when you were a baby and every other sentence starts with... "when I was a baby" or "when you were my age".

Avett: we've entered a whiny phase that doesn't seem to be letting up.  You recently turned 2 and have  become interested in potty training.  a few times you've come to tell me you need to go and sure enough, when I thought you were no where near ready for this, there you are doing your business on the potty.  You've started speaking in sentences.  Yesterday, I counted 5 words put together.  I could not believe my ears.  Today you're favorite phrase was, "I guess so".  If you could live on fruit snacks alone, I believe you would.  That and cafe rio. #favorite.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014


Making : time for my school schedule is absolutely a joke. I'm lucky to complete assignments at all.
Cooking : also a joke.
Drinking : tons of water since moving to this higher elevation. I still think we are all dehydrated.
Reading: text books. and library books. The SLC City library is such a cool place for the kids to hang out. 
Wanting: One more summer day at the beach, I didn't know how much I would miss it. 
Looking: up at the beautiful mountains that I used to take for granted years ago. They are just so massive. 
Playing: at the park and kids museum daily. 
Wasting: our evenings on the couch, watching way too much TV. We are loving The Voice this season. 
Wishing: we could find our forever home and stay there...moving is hard. 
Enjoying: how griffey wants to buy mama flowers every time we go to the grocery store. 
Waiting: for the snow to fall so we can officially start winter. The boys can't wait to play in it. Thanks to Frozen. 
Liking: white walls. 
Wondering: what to get my husband for Christmas. He's a simple fellow and doesn't require much. That's the problem. 
Loving: that this semester is just about o-v-e-r. 
Hoping: to buy our dream home next year. I can't wait to fix it up. 
Marveling: how much i love my children. They really are my purpose. 
Needing: my hair done. and my nails done. don't look at my feet, they need a pedi too. 
Smelling: probably like i could use a shower. 
Wearing: jackets and hats and mittens. and socks and shoes and pants. The whole thing is just weird. 
Following: my friends on instagram is so much fun. I love seeing what everyone is up to. 
Noticing: the little things my husband does to say i love you. 
Knowing: i can do this. 
Thinking: and changing my plan 5 different times until it feels right. 
Feeling: hurried since moving West. Nothing is rushed in the South. 
Bookmarking: interiors. 
Opening: my eyes to all the good things. 
Giggling: when Avett pulls me out of bed in the morning and says, "come on, come on". 
Feeling: like I haven't slept in years. Oh wait.

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