Saturday, August 23, 2014

Graduation Day.

Today was graduation day.  I watched this morning as my husband carried our two little boys down the streets of Charleston and into the church with him.  Avett in one arm, Griff in the other.  We watched and waved as daddy marched proudly with his class.  Chad's parents flew out for the occasion, and how nice it was to have them sitting beside us.  Watching Chad throughout this day, I couldn't help but think of every step that he had taken to get here. Every hard thing we did together.  Every good moment, every miracle that got us through.  I could not hold back tears- there's a shocker.  I am so proud of Chad and how hard he worked when the going got really tough.  When the going sometimes felt impossible.  

When we started this journey over 2 years ago, I had one crawling baby and another growing inside of me.  Today they were both toddlers, waving and looking for daddy during his big ceremony.  I can't quite wrap my head around it yet, that this has all actually happened.  That this phase is ending.  I've grown used to the student way of living, I've adjusted.  Now here comes life wanting to change it all up on me again.  With change comes uncertainty and more bumps in the road, bumps that I admit I'm not ready for yet.

We've lived here in the South long enough that "y'all" has become a part of my daily vocabulary.  It snuck up on me. And now I've embraced the Southern talk because it's much easier than explaining to the locals why I wasn't raised saying things like, "all y'all".  Griff even notices.  He calls me out on it.  "Mama, I not y'all, I just Griff."

We love this city.  We love our beach.  We love our friends.  But it's more than that.  I brought a new born baby home to this apartment.  Here I've struggled.  I've learned how to be a mom to two at once and watched as they have grown into best friends.  Here we have learned how hard it is to be without family or community at arms reach.  Here we have created friendships to last a lifetime.  Here, we have battled sickness and seen healing miracles.  Here, we have found strength in each other.

I am so incredibly blessed to have these guys by my side.  I'm so thankful for the love that continues to flourish in our family.  And, on the days when I feel like I'm not enough- all three of them are there picking me up and giving me purpose.

Chad, I am so proud of you and your sacrifice for our family.  Today of all days, Chad was da-da first and distinguished graduate second.  He never ceases to impress me.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Brothers 01.

Griff: You asked again and again if I would take your picture while you posed.  I think you like the attention.

Avett:  My puzzler baby.  You love to figure things out by taking them apart and putting them back together.  I love to watch your determined spirit as you problem solve.  

"Always remember there was nothing worth sharing, like the love that let us share our name."
The Avett Brothers

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Drama at the Park.

I'm the first to admit, my baby is a bit of a drama queen.  His brother takes his park toy, enter tears.  Brother gives back said park toy, everything is just peachy.  Until 2 minutes later when brother again does something undesirable.  More tears.

We've been spoiled with Chad's parents still in town for his graduation from MUSC.  Today the weather poured rain all morning and into the afternoon and there was nothing left to be done but take a trip to Costco, of course.  Costco is always a good back up plan when all other things fail.  Because, they have samples.  And double carts.  That's right, two seat belts for when things really go south.

The rain finally stopped long enough for us to run around the park for a while before dinner.  Thank goodness these boys got outside today, because it darn near killed us being cooped up due to our crazy thunder storms this week.  Joe and Lana sure are good sports to let us hang out with them, again.  Baseball is always a good time.

Love, us.

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